lunes, 31 de mayo de 2010

Sello de Calidad

Tengo el placer de comunicaros que hoy el Servicio Nacional de Eslovaquia me ha informado de que nuestro proyecto ha obtenido el Sello de Calidad.
Quiero agradaceros vuestro trabajo y esfuerzo, al fin y al cabo, el Sello de Calidad es el éxito y el reconocimiento de todos los que hemos participado en el proyecto.
Y ahora, !a por el Sello Europeo!

viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010

Despedida del IES de Poio :)

Finalizado el proyecto, los alumnos españoles queríamos decir que para nosotros esto ha sido una experiencia que nos ha enriquecido tanto a nivel cultural como personal ya que hemos aprendido mucho de vuestros países y hemos podido hablar con vosotros, algo que nos ha gustado mucho.

Por ello queremos dar las gracias a las profesoras Kati y Hanne y a sus alumnos ya que sin ellos esto no podría haberse llevado a cabo y con ello esta experiencia tan gratificante. Pero en especial a nuestra profesora, Carmen, porque a pesar de los quebraderos de cabeza que le hemos dado, ha puesto todo su esfuerzo y ganas, y gracias a ello el proyecto ha salido adelante con éxito.

En definitiva, ha sido un gran proyecto y ojalá podamos repetir una experiencia igual o similar.
Un saludo desde el IES de Poio.

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010

Semana de Cine Español y cena en el restaurante Pata Negra on PhotoPeach

Evaluación del proyecto: IES de Poio

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Our project on eTwinning Teachers' Blog, European Schoolnet

European Schoolnet (EUN) is a network of 31 Ministries of Education in Europe and beyond. EUN was created more than 10 years ago with the aim to bring about innovation in teaching and learning to its key stakeholders: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers and researchers.

We have just published a post about our project "Teaching each other" on their Etwinning teachers blog, the platform for teachers in Europe to discuss their experience in eTwinning.

You can read the Spanish version

Or the English version

We thank so much Christina Crawley (Head of Unit-Content Production, European Schoolnet) for encouraging and helping us to publish on Etwinning Teachers`Blog

Almost 3000 visits on our blog!. Thank all of you!

We all, students and teachers taking part in this project, are so glad seeing that almost 3000 visits have had a look at our school project!.

We want to thank all of them!. We know that some colleagues of the teachers, some friends or school partners of our students, people who have known about our project have been so kind visiting our blog.

People from all over the world:
Spain, Slovakia, Norway, United Kingdom, United States, Hungary , Netherlands, Romania, Belgium, South Korea, Qatar ,Portugal, Sweden,Austria, Greece, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Colombia, Poland, Brazil, France, Bolivia ...

Thank you so much!

Hanne Kvam Ramberg, Breivang Videregående Skole ,Tromsø
Kati Kanozsay, Gymnázium Hansa Selyeho, Komárno
Carmen Fernández, IES de Poio, Poio

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010


Our videoconference took place on Monday.
We felt that this was a nice experience. We really enjoyed it a lot and think that it would be great if we could repeat it in the future.

I want to thank:

Christina Crawley (Head of Unit-Content Production, European Schoolnet) for her nice support and advice.

John Warwick (Etwinning Flashmeeting VC Coordinator) for helping us with Flashmeeting.
(Flashmeeting is a communication tool developed by the Centre of New Media , Open University, London)

My project partners, Kati and Hanne, for their great work and support.

Our students, who did their best.

Vídeo-conferencia on PhotoPeach