domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Almost 3000 visits on our blog!. Thank all of you!

We all, students and teachers taking part in this project, are so glad seeing that almost 3000 visits have had a look at our school project!.

We want to thank all of them!. We know that some colleagues of the teachers, some friends or school partners of our students, people who have known about our project have been so kind visiting our blog.

People from all over the world:
Spain, Slovakia, Norway, United Kingdom, United States, Hungary , Netherlands, Romania, Belgium, South Korea, Qatar ,Portugal, Sweden,Austria, Greece, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Colombia, Poland, Brazil, France, Bolivia ...

Thank you so much!

Hanne Kvam Ramberg, Breivang Videregående Skole ,Tromsø
Kati Kanozsay, Gymnázium Hansa Selyeho, Komárno
Carmen Fernández, IES de Poio, Poio

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